How to serve attachments from a free CDN (Coral)

You can use Coral free CDN to off-load the WordPress attachments (usually images). In order to use Coral you need to add “” to the site DNS address. For example, will become Coral is usually too slow to serve all static content, so the most effective solution would be to use it only for the biggest files.

Here’s a simple solution. Add the following to functions.php of your current theme:

add_filter ('wp_get_attachment_url', 'freecdn_url');

function freecdn_url ($url)
    if (! is_attachment () ) return $url; 
    $cdn_url = "";
    $decomposed_url = explode ("/", $url);
    $decomposed_url[2] =  $decomposed_url[2] . $cdn_url;
    $url = implode("/", $decomposed_url);
    return $url;

Your theme (e.g. the bundled “TwentyTen”) must use wp_get_attachment_url(), of course. If not – you got the idea, didn’t you? πŸ˜‰

Also, you can use freecdn_url () function to rewrite any URL you want to download from Coral.