Export ACLs as XML from the GUI into acls.xml file, then run the following command:
cat acls.xml | sed -e 's/&/\&/g' | awk ' BEGIN { acls=""; acl=0;} /<network-connect-acl>/ { acl=1;} /<resource>/ { if ( acl == 1) {a=gensub(".*<resource>(.*)<\/resource>.*","\\1","g",$0); acls = acls " " a; } } /<roles>/ { if (acl == 1) { roles[gensub(".*<roles>(.*)<\/roles>.*","\\1","g",$0)]=acls;} } /<action>/ { if (acl == 1) { action=gensub(".*<action>(.*)<\/action>.*","\\1","g",$0)};} /<\/network-connect-acl>/ { acl=0; acls=""; for ( i in roles) {printf("%s;%s;%s\n", i,roles[i],action);} delete roles;}' | sed -e 's/; /;/g' | less
The result will be shown in the following (semi-colon separated form):
Role;ACl1 ACL2 ACL3 …;action